Over two decades of service throughout North America and the Caribbean
Licensed to perform structural engineering services throughout the United States
Job specific pricing documents to estimate your unique project instead of outdated data that results in change orders or value engineering during construction
Innovative, creative design solutions proven to result in savings to the budget and schedule
Attention to detail and quality service as evidenced by high level of repeat business
Long history of providing design related services to many of ENR’s Top 100 Design-Build firms
Value engineering performed at project onset, not as a result of budget woes
Quality and creativity as evidenced by numerous industry awards from the Steel Joist Institute, Tilt-up Concrete Association, and the Face Companies (Golden Trowel)
Leadership roles in the industry through invited committee roles with the Tilt-up Concrete Association and the American Concrete Institute
Highly coordinated and detailed structural documents that provide ease of construction and fewer jobsite errors
Fully detailed tilt-up panel drawings that require less contractor development
Overall attention to total building economy and quality documents